鋼結構工程、Steel Structure Works,不銹鋼工程、金屬屋面、墻面系統、玻璃幕牆及百葉墻,玻璃隔斷、天窗.有蓋人行道、玻璃纖維欄杆平台、機電工程、工業起重機、水閘、浮動碼頭設施 、人行天橋、椿頂及地下支撐結構、路牌龍門架、玻璃欄杆、欄杆攔河扶手、沙井蓋,鐵器工程-煌鑫工程有限公司
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

Better Motors Company Limited, a Hong Kong company established in 2000, specialises in selling & repairing of European and Japanese luxurious motor vehicles. We strive to provide one stop motor s

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童 - Play Base/成人 - ZOOM 或面授/外籍人士普通話 /公司企業教商業用普通話/國家級普通話水平測試備試);電話:張老師69007908| Beijinger born in HK, Native in Mandarin, Grad fr US, Tst Level 1;Contact :Ms. Chang 69007908

全盛保險經紀(亞洲)有限公司 Capital Gateway Insurance Brokers (Asia) Limited 提供子女保險服務 Contact: Man Ho Keung Zico 文豪強 Tel: 3549 6303 Fax: 3549 6320 Address: Room 1324, 13/F., Central Building,1-3, Pedder Street, Ce

中信保險專業顧問有限公司 United China Professional Insurance Brokers Ltd. 提供子女保險服務 Contact: Lee Wai Kan Perry 李偉勤 Tel: 3103 9222 Fax: 3103 9228 Address: 23/F.,83 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
家居 / 家居保險中信保險專業顧問有限公司

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+ Room with three working stations is HK$8,000 per month all included. Room with two working stations is HK$6,500 per month all included. + Long or short term lease is welcome

If you're new to car insurance, want to switch to a different auto insurance company or are shopping for the lowest car insurance quote. I can help. I am a registered insurance agent and also an insu

IB Tutor 經濟科補習專家 IGCSE GCE Econ Alevel / HKDSE 專業經濟科補習,英國留學生,國際學校補習 / 經濟 專補GSIS德瑞/CIS漢基/SIS南島/新加坡國際/男拔/女拔/聖保羅男女/聖保祿等名校 英國哈囉Harrow, Headington, Brighton等Alevel寄宿名校
B教學進修 / 補習Brian Wong 經濟專家

職位要求及內容: 對銷售或者crypto / 太陽能有興趣或有2年銷售經驗 佣⾦制西裝上班,儀容整潔 Office 位於九龍灣甲級商廈 底薪 + 佣金 +獎金 可達30000或以上 有興趣請聯絡 4684-6900 安排interview , 可即日 工作地點 : 九龍灣 工作時間 :10:30 - 18:30 (週一, 週二, 週三, 週四, 週五)

高桿燈柱30米,通信管塔,智慧燈柱,CCTV燈柱,水閘及防水閘工程,Water Gate And Engineering,啟閉機,壩頂門機,攔污柵,抓斗式清污機,工業起重機及橋式起重機工程,渣斗,儲藏及壓力容器安裝(氣缸及油缸),大型機械安裝,調試服務。
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

不鏽鋼工程,Stainless Steel Works,建築的幕墻不鏽鋼件及天幕,玻璃攔河,外墻裝飾板,環保設備的水缸及機器設備平台及管線和不鏽鋼支架,沙井蓋,樓梯,雨棚,防火門,欄杆攔河扶手,中電及水務的不鏽鋼貓梯,平台,沙井蓋,不鏽鋼門及百葉-YAM GOLD
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

挖掘及安裝鋼支撐系統,設計及組裝,填海圍堰設計,物料採購,製作及供應,鑽探鋼管及打樁鋼管的物料供應,S690型材的供應,Excavation And Installation Of Steel Support Systems, Design And Assembly.ELS-Works....
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

If your are new to car insurance, want to switch to a differennt auto insurance company or are shopping for the lowest car insurance quote. I can help! I am a licensed insurance agent and also insura

Road Tax & Insurance Renewals We, provide services in the Klang Valley area to facilitate the renewals of vehicle insurance and road tax. We, will pick up your registration card & the necessa

希活國際財經策劃有限公司 Haywood International Financial Planning Ltd. 提供子女保險服務 Contact: Shum Si Ki 沈士基 Tel: 2577 6161 Fax: 2576 5092 e-mail: [email protected] Address: Room 2103, Keen Hung Commercial Building,
家居 / 家居保險希活國際財經策劃有限公司

Christine M. Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries is a Hong Kong law firm established in 1992. The scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, insurance and pension, banking, trust, conveya
C商業 / 法律事務Christine M.Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries 顧張文菊律師行

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消閒及娛樂 / 好去處Deepgamehk 深遊實境遊戲
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